Protecting the most valuable assets of your company can be a difficult task if you do not have the appropriate tools. Getting a safe for your business is a wise investment that provides you with a secure space for cash, checks, important documents and much more.
When you need to have a quality safe installed, choose the experts at Furlongs Security Solutions to provide the best in products and services.
You can never have too much protection for the valuables in your home. Safeguard your most important documents, irreplaceable items, jewelry and more with a secure safe. We also provide gun safes to create a secure space for your weapons while keeping them away from children.
3344 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, AL 36109
4121 Wall Street
Montgomery, AL 36106
Monday - Friday 8:00a-11:00a
*by appointment only*
Monday - Friday 11:00a-4:30p
Saturday - Emergency Only
(334) 544-9547
Monday - Friday 8:00a-5:00p
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